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The Blog
Thoughtful Thursday & Crossing Boundaries
Having a boundary conversation can be uncomfortable when we are the one creating the boundaries.
However, it can be just as challenging when we are the one who crosses a boundary issue.
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Thoughtful Thursday & It’s Possible
To me, believing something is possible creates feelings of hope, empowerment, and confidence.
Often while working with a client on finding a new belief, I introduce this concept because the current thinking feels so true and the new belief feels so far away. The concept of possibility bridges the gap between what they currently believe and what they desire to believe.
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Thoughtful Thursday & Toddler Brains
As humans, we have 2 brains.
The higher brain and the lower brain.
As we come to understand how our two brains work together and learn to regulate our emotions and behaviors, we can achieve a greater sense of balance and fulfillment in our lives.
However, one of the first steps is understanding why our lower brain, or toddler brain, does what it does.
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Thoughtful Thursday & When Things Don’t Go As Planned
Life is full of the unexpected.
Sometimes things just don't go as planned.
Like this week.
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Thoughtful Thursday & The Whole Truth
In this week's podcast, I wanted to dive into the topic of disappointing people, something I personally struggled with for a long time.
One thing I have tried to do to help with the need not please others is to tell the whole truth.
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Thoughtful Thursday & Buffers
By confronting discomfort, we can begin to address the underlying problem.
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Thoughtful Thursday & Set Yourself Free
How can you begin to set yourself free mentally and emotionally?
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Thoughtful Thursday & Funerals
Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a funeral of my son-in-law’s father, Dale.
A celebration of a life well-lived but one not without great challenges.
Times like these can provide an opportunity for personal reflection.
So many thoughts have been on my mind this week.
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Thoughtful Thursday & Standing in His Peace
Recently, I was studying the New Testament story found in John 8 about the woman taken in adultery. We all are familiar with this story. This woman was being used by the Pharisees and the scribes to trap Jesus. They wanted to know if He believed that this woman should be stoned according to the law of Moses
This time as I read the story, I noticed something that I hadn't seen before.
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Thoughtful Thursday & Loving Dangerously
What kind of conflict are you in right now?
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Thoughtful Thursday & Letting Go of Regrets
Have you ever regretted something or wished your life was different?
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Thoughtful Thursday & Positive Portfolio
Did you know that creating a Positive Portfolio can help you cultivate positive emotions in your life?
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Thoughtful Thursday & Articulate
Often, we fail to communicate what's important to us to the people in our lives, assuming they should already know or would recognize our values if they loved us.
This can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication.
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Thoughtful Thursday & Ho'oponopono
Not too long ago, I learned of an ancient Hawaiian healing practice of Ho'oponopono.
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Thoughtful Thursday & Rules of Love
Love isn't just something that just happens to us but it is part of who we are.
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Thoughtful Thursday & Be Soft
In this Thoughtful Thursday, I discuss the importance of being your own best friend.
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Thoughtful Thursday & The Emotional Flu
In this Thoughtful Thursday, I discuss the importance of being honest with ourselves about our emotions in order to move towards healing. It uses the metaphor of treating the "emotional flu" and suggests that trying to rush through difficult emotions rarely leads to genuine progress.
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Thoughtful Thursday & Redefined Parenting
Do you find yourself looking back and harshly judging your past self as a parent with what you know now?
It is so easy to do, especially when the expectations you have for your life are very different from your current reality.
But the truth is, you literally didn’t even know the things that you know now when your children were younger.
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