Happy Mother’s Day & Embrace the Mud
Today is Mother's Day 2023 and I have a short message for you.
This week, on our family vacation, we went on a wet and muddy hike to a waterfall.
On our way in someone said to us, “Just embrace the mud.”
The farther we went the more mud we encountered.
So much mud.
We were covered in mud from head to toe but the scenery and the waterfall at the end was spectacular.
All the mud was worth it.
We embraced the mud because we knew it was part of the journey.
Fighting against the mud wouldn't have made the trip any better.
We just did our best to navigate the mud in order to get where we wanted to go.
That is just like life.
It is messy and imperfect but perfectly beautiful.
I don't believe that Mother's Day is meant to celebrate perfect mothers.
Perfection isn't even required or possible.
Love is.
I celebrate Mother's Day in honor of my beautiful mother not because she was perfect but because she loved.
I celebrate Mother's Day in honor of my devoted mother-in-law not because she was perfect but because she loved.
I celebrate Mother's Day in honor of being a mother to 5 amazing humans not because I was perfect at it but because I love.
I celebrate Mother's Day in honor of my amazing daughter and daughter-in-law as they do their very best at mothering my adorable grandchildren with love.
I celebrate Mother's Day in honor of the women who continue to love, protect, influence, and nurture me as sisters, daughters, aunts, cousins, and friends as best they can.
I celebrate Mother's Day in honor of all women who love, protect, and nurture those in their circle of influence as best they can.
Mothering is about love not perfection.
You are making a difference where you are, as you are.
No matter your seasons or circumstance, I echo Elder Holland's words.
"Be peaceful. Believe in God and yourself. You are doing better than you think you are."
Embrace the mud and keep loving!