Thoughtful Thursday & Be Soft
Do you have a friend that you can go to for comfort and support during difficult times?
That friend that tells you that everything will be ok?
That friend that totally takes your side and loves you no matter what?
I want to invite you to be that friend to yourself.
What would it be like if you could be your own best friend?
What if you could give yourself grace for not getting things perfect?
Giving yourself grace for the messy parts of you.
Giving yourself grace and space to embrace the beautiful imperfections of being human that help you learn and grow on your way to becoming who you want to be.
Who you were meant to be.
I heard someone recently say something like this.
When life feels hard, that is a sign that you should be soft.
Soft with yourself.
Loving with yourself.
This is grace.
I have said this before and I will say it again.
You will never beat yourself up enough to change.
Being hard on yourself.
Demeaning yourself.
Treating yourself in a way that you would never treat another person.
None of this creates wanted change for the long term.
It creates disappointment and shame.
I think we all know this but we keep doing it anyway because it is what is familiar.
Our brains like familiar, even if it is painful.
I invite you to stop.
Stop being your own worst critic.
Quiet the inner mean girl.
Start being your own BFF.
When things feel hard, remind yourself that it is time to be soft.