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The Blog
Thoughtful Thursday & Happy 4th of July
Just as the founders of the United States took bold steps to secure the nation's independence, we too can take proactive steps toward emotional liberation.
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Thoughtful Thursday & Emotional Layering
When we think we should be happy all the time, we often push away the uncomfortable or negative feelings that may come up for us. But the truth is, they don't go away when we resist or ignore them. We can end up actually feeling worse. This happens because we add more negative feelings on top of the first uncomfortable emotions we experience, which feels terrible.
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Thoughtful Thursday & Being in a Funk
Lately, I've noticed myself slipping into a bit of a funk.
In the past, this feeling was quite disheartening, making it seem like everything was going wrong.
However, I've come to understand that it's actually a common experience many people go through—part of the human condition, if you will.
I want to share three strategies that help me navigate these moments.
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Thoughtful Thursday & An Influence for Peace
Dangerous love isn't a passive love and it requires sacrifice.
But when we begin taking the following steps, we become an influence for peace in a world full of chaos.
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Thoughtful Thursday & Living in Frustration
I was living in frustration and I tired of it.
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Thoughtful Thursday & The Oatmeal Rule
I was recently reminded of what is called The Oatmeal Rule.
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Thoughtful Thursday & Truly Seeing
What if it is possible that conflict is the very thing that will help us grow and become the person we want to be by learning how to transform it?
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Thoughtful Thursday & PSA - Nothing is Wrong with You
So many women I know are struggling with the relationship they have with themselves and that makes this time of year hard.
No matter what season of life they are in, they have lost touch with who they are and what they really want in life.
To begin the journey of self-love, we have to understand this truth:
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Thoughtful Thursday & Lessons From the Junk Drawer
No matter the relationship, when we can learn the steps of untangling we can create greater connection and intimacy in our relationships.
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Thoughtful Thursday & Context Filters
Objective self-examination or awareness opens the door to change and this can begin by learning to better understand our own personal context filters.
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Thoughtful Thursday & The Dance of Disconnection
Identifying your relationship dance could be the very thing that leads you to building a stronger relationship with greater emotional connection.
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Thoughtful Thursday & How Do You Like Your Eggs?
Do you remember the movie, “Runaway Bride?”
I have been thinking about this movie and a powerful lesson it shares about the relationship we have with ourselves.
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Thoughtful Thursday & ABC’s
Have you ever thought about how powerful words can be?
Sometimes, without even realizing it, we use words in a way that separates us from others, creating an invisible wall between "you and me."
But what if we start thinking in terms of "us"?
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Thoughtful Thursday & Sacred Space
Last weekend was my Navigating Midlife with Grace Workshop.
It was amazing!
It was all I hoped it could be.
One thing that I came away thinking about was that being a coach is a sacred thing and it puts me in a sacred space.
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Thoughtful Thursday & Falling on My Face
Have you ever fallen on your face?
Well, I have and I just did it in New Zealand.
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Thoughtful Thursday & Now What?
In working with my clients, we spend time figuring out what they are struggling with or what the problem is.
We also spend time discovering how they have contributed to it and what this has created for them.
This awareness is important, but they are now faced with a choice.
Do they want to stay where they are or are they ready to move forward and begin to create something different for themselves?
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Thoughtful Thursday & Godly Disappointment
We may mistakenly believe that God's love for us is something that is earned and conditional upon our performance, forgetting that His love is unconditional and eternal.
Kurt Francom's insights challenge us to rethink our perceptions of God's feelings towards us.
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Thoughtful Thursday & Let’s Celebrate!
Today is the day!
This week, I am releasing my 100th podcast episode!!!
I am talking about the importance of celebrating.
I would love you to celebrate with me!
Thoughtful Thursday & Your Unknown Superpower
I have a something I use with all of my clients called Processing Emotion N.O.W.
I have included a graphic below for you to see the process for yourself.
I believe that one of our superpowers can be the ability to process emotion.
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Thoughtful Thursday & A Perspective on Lent
Many Christians around the world started Lent yesterday on Ash Wednesday, which coincidentally fell on Valentine's Day this year.
As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I don't observe Lent, but this tradition has always intrigued me.
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