Thoughtful Thursday & A Perspective on Lent
Many Christians around the world started Lent yesterday on Ash Wednesday, which coincidentally fell on Valentine's Day this year.
As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I don't observe Lent, but this tradition has always intrigued me.
Lent is a period of 40 days, excluding Sundays, and it concludes this year on Thursday, April 6.
The practice of Lent dates back to around the year 325 and is rooted in Jesus' 40 days of temptation in the desert.
During Lent, Christians typically give up certain habits, foods, or drinks as a form of sacrifice leading up to Easter.
I recently read a thought-provoking social media post by Ian Simkins that really resonated with me.
He asks, "What if instead of giving up coffee, chocolate, or social media for Lent, we gave up bitterness, apathy, and greed?
Or spite.
Or hurry.
Or shame.
Or cynicism.
Or arrogance.
Or envy.
Or antagonism.
Or pessimism.
Or selfishness.
What if this year we gave up the need to be in control all the time?
Or the need to be right all the time?"
What would change in your life if you could open your heart to giving up just one of these?
The change we want to see in the world really does begin within ourselves.
Will you join me?