Seasons of Joy


Welcome to the

Seasons of Joy Podcast

How do you connect with yourself?

How do you connect with others?

How to you do you connect with God?

Welcome to the Seasons of Joy Podcast where we learn to clean up your mind so create joyful connection with yourself, others, and God.

Jill brings tips and tools that help you create a life you love no matter your season of circumstance.

Do you have a question or an issue you are struggling with? I am adding a segment on my podcast where I answer questions. If you have a question or a topic that you would like to hear me speak on, please share it with me here and I will address it on my podcast. I will always change your name or keep it anonymous when speaking to your question.


Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 23 - Being Past Focused

Success and happiness do not come from beating yourself up or arguing with the past. If we are always going to the past, this keeps us stuck and prevents us from creating a future that looks different from the past.

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 18 - Body Stories

I believe, one of the biggest reasons we become disconnected and don’t take better care of ourselves is because of our body stories.

If you are like me, you probably began writing your body stories from an early age.

These stories are often accompanied with feelings of shame and dissatisfaction.

Believing that something is wrong with you because of your appearance.

These negative body stories limit your ability to progress, create positive change and connect with yourself.

In this episode, I share how you can begin reconnecting with you and create wanted change.

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 17 - Divine Identity

In this week's episode, I discuss the difference between our false identity and our divine identity.  Understanding the difference between the two gives us the power to embrace our divine identity.  This frees us to experience life more often from a place of love, peace, confidence, grace, connection and joy.  Your life is the perfect classroom for you to discover who you are and who you want to become. 

What would your life experience be like if you could believe that you are a divine being, that you are enough and that you are loved? 

What influence could you be to the world around you?

Who could you become?

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 16 - Unplugging

Sometimes the idea of unplugging can feel impossible. I am not saying that you need to unplug for 5 days but perhaps you could for 5 minutes. What unplugging for me isn’t what unplugging is for you. It really isn’t about what you do or don’t do. There isn’t a right or wrong way to do it.

I am inviting you to pause to consider what unplugging looks like for you. It could be as simple as a 1 minute meditation or as drastic as a 5 day river trip.

The point is to consider how you can incorporate unplugging into your life.

How can you refocus, rejuvenate, and reconnect?

The choice is yours!

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 15 - Conversation with Laura Prescott

In this week's episode, I am having a conversation with my friend and coach colleague, Laura Prescott. I am so excited to have her join me. She merges coaching and her love of hiking to create a beautiful adventure for the women she works with. This is the perfect conversation for our monthly topic of fun. I hope you enjoy this conversation!

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 14 - Breaking the Fun Barrier

We sometimes set an Upper Limit on having and creating more fun in our lives without even realizing it.

We view the world around us and we interact with it because of how we see things. By our thoughts. Our beliefs.

I want to share with you seven false beliefs that can limit our ability to create fun and enjoy life. These beliefs can become barriers that hold us back from creating a life we love. In order to create, experience and express more fun and joy in our lives we must learn to overcome these barriers.

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 13 - Season Fun

Fun is the experience we create for ourselves.

This is done through our thoughts, our feelings and our actions.

For some, the idea of having fun can seem indulgent because it is believed to be something that one must earn.

There is the saying work hard, play hard. Or in other words, work hard and then you can play hard.

However, I believe that fun is essential to life and it is something we want to weave into the everyday of our lives and it doesn’t have to be saved for later.

I am going to share with you 6 reasons why I think it is important to incorporate fun into our lives right now.

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 12 - Conversation with Penny Lobred

In this week’s episode, I am having a conversation with my dear friend and coach colleague, Penny Lobred. This is my first time having someone join me on my podcast and I am excited it is Penny. You will see that she is caring and kind. We discuss how important it is to understand abundance when it comes to navigating our relationships with our teens and adult children. I can’t wait for you to get to know Penny.

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 11 - Abundant Focus

One of my most favorite and oft repeated quotes is by President Russell M Nelson, who is the prophet of The Church of Latter-day Saints. He says “the joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.”  When we are focusing on what we don’t have, or I would add not even focusing at all but just going through the motions and getting stuck in the mundane, we can’t experience joy or abundance.  Our brain naturally wants to focus on what we lack and what we don’t want.  Let’s say I tell you to not think of a zebra.  A zebra probably popped into your mind.  If I said, don't think of a red car.  You will probably think about a red car.  This is how the brain works. It works at finding what you are focusing on. The better way is to tell your brain what to focus on.  Then your brain is going to go looking for that. 

Why does this matter?  Because what we focus on is who we will become.  

Who do you want to become?

I invite you consider how your life would be different if you could receive the abundance you already have.  What else could you create from the abundance?  What do you want to focus on?

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 10 - It’s Not About You

As humans, our brains want to make it about us.

But the truth is, it really isn't about you.

What if this is true?

How would you feel if you could believe this?

How would you show up in your life?

What would your relationships look like by embracing this belief?

Do you know what else is true? You get to believe whatever you want to believe.

What is the down side to believing that it isn’t about you?

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 9 - Season of Abundance

Scarcity keeps us in fight and flight mode. It is restrictive. It prevents us from accessing our prefrontal cortex and this causes us to make errors in judgment. The opposite of this is abundance which is a growth mindset. It is expansive.

I am going to share with you 8 strategies to help you move towards creating more abundance in your life.

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 8 - Season of Discovery

The human brain is wired for what scientists call negative bias. This wiring kept our ancestors safe from known and unknown dangers from the beginning of time. This is something we have continued to carry with us. This isn’t a problem, we just need to understand our brain and practice rewriting the stories that are holding us back from creating a more joyful life.

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 5 - How to Solve Any Problem

What many people believe are problems aren’t usually problems at all. Almost all of our problems are due to what we think and believe. Today I want to discuss the main tool I use with all of my clients and myself. Everything I teach ties back to this basic tool. It is called The Model. It was developed by Brooke Castillo, the founder of the Life Coach School where I was certified. This simple but powerful tool is made up of five interrelated components. When you change one component, it affects the others. By understanding and applying this model, you can literally find a solution to any problem by accessing your creativity and wisdom within yourself.

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 4- Pause to Protect

In this week's episode, I talk about the third and final part to the Pause Principle, Pause to Protect. I share with you three steps that can help you as you work on living a more intentional and purposeful life.

1. Look to the future to create more of what you want instead of to the past.

2. Identify those things that you need to start saying "no" to in your life.

3. Identify those things that you need to start saying "yes" to in your life.

You are a creator! As you implement all three parts of The Pause Principle, you will discover that you have the power to create something beautiful!

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