Thoughtful Thursday & Friendship
Hello friends!
This week on my podcast I shared a conversation that I had in December with some of my childhood friends that have known me for over 37 years.
That sounds crazy because that means I am a lot older than 37!
In this conversation, we are talking about the power of friendships in our lives.
Women who know you, support you, and love you.
I am surrounded by many, many women like this.
On the other side of that, however, I want to be that woman.
I know I am not perfect at it yet but that is who I want to be.
I want to be the woman who loves, lifts, and supports other women.
And here is the caveat…..
Regardless of what others do.
When we expect others to act in a certain way so we can be happy, we will always be disappointed.
When we focus on who we want to be in a relationship instead of who someone else should be, we will be at our best.
I invite you to think of the women who have impacted and blessed your life.
Sit in the gratitude of that today.
Then I invite you to think of a relationship that you would like to work on.
Who do you want to be?
If you could be that, how would you act?
How would you be feeling?
What would you be thinking?
The kind of relationship we have with others is up to us.
It is a choice.
Have a joyful week!