Thoughtful Thursday & A Fresh New View
Hello friends!
I love coaching.
One of the things I love about it is that it is an opportunity to change our perspective.
In this week's podcast episode, I share my recent conversation with friend and life coach, Heather Rackham.
One of the things I love about this conversation is our discussion of repentance.
In the Bible dictionary it states that the Greek word for repentance "of which this is the translation denotes a change of mind, a fresh view about God, about oneself, and about the world.”
It is a change in perspective.
One thing that Heather said that I just love is,
"The shift of perspective, that daily repentance, is what has allowed me to love in a Christlike way because I am constantly working to shift those perspectives so that I create that feeling of love in all of my relationships.”
Love comes from understanding someone, not necessarily agreeing with somebody.
There is a big difference.
Accepting and loving someone for who they are whether we agree or disagree feels so much better than judging them for the differences we may have.
That is repentance because we are choosing to see someone differently.
We may not agree but we are choosing to love and to show up from a much better place.
This turns our hearts towards God which opens us up to seeing as He sees, thinking as He thinks, and feeling as He feels.
Then our behavior and ultimately our experience reflect this change of perspective.
Working with life coaches for almost 4 years has given me tools and the space to change my perspective and understanding about my life experience.
I don't have it all figured out.
But daily, I am working on changing the view I have about others, myself, and God.
I use coaching tools everyday to help me in those moments when I feel like things aren't working out for me or I am struggling in some way.
They help me gain awareness, change my perspective, and create change.
There is power in repentance.
There is power in perspective.
Is there a situation in your life where you could gain some perspective?
One question that I ask myself that helps me begin to change my perspective is, “What else is true?”
For example, your husband forgets to pick something up at the store after work and you think “he never remembers what I ask him to do" and then you feel frustrated.
I am not saying that you should not feel frustrated.
However, feeling frustrated and reacting to your frustration are not the same.
After allowing and processing your feelings of frustration, what if you asked yourself, “what else is true?”
It could be that he has a lot of pressure at work and it is hard for him to remember things right after work.
It could be that you asked him when he was thinking about something else and it didn't register with him.
It could be that it has nothing to do with how much he loves you.
He can love you and forget to pick things up after work.
You get the idea.
This one little question invites you to change your view and expand your vision.
Give it a try and see what you discover.