Seasons of Joy


Welcome to the

Seasons of Joy Podcast

How do you connect with yourself?

How do you connect with others?

How to you do you connect with God?

Welcome to the Seasons of Joy Podcast where we learn to clean up your mind so create joyful connection with yourself, others, and God.

Jill brings tips and tools that help you create a life you love no matter your season of circumstance.

Do you have a question or an issue you are struggling with? I am adding a segment on my podcast where I answer questions. If you have a question or a topic that you would like to hear me speak on, please share it with me here and I will address it on my podcast. I will always change your name or keep it anonymous when speaking to your question.


Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 60 - A Client Experience with Nancy

In this week's episode, I am doing something a little bit different.

I am having a conversation with one of my friends and clients, Nancy Cheal.

She shares her experience with coaching and some of the things she has learned that have helped her navigate her current season of life with confidence.

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 59 - Your Inner Critic with Natalie Roush

In this week's episode, I get to have a conversation with my friend and coach colleague, Natalie Roush.

Natalie is a certified life coach that specializes in repurposing your inner critic to become your very best friend.

She and her husband are parents to 2 very high energy and incredible children.

Natalie loves to laugh, whether that's goofing off with family and friends, or enjoying stand up comedy. She loves all things that involve warm weather, sunshine and water but especially loves the beach, boating and sunsets.

You are going to love her!

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 58 - The Emotional Flu with Natalie Clay

I am so excited for this week’s podcast!

I know I always say that but it is true!

I am sharing my conversation with my coach colleague, friend and mentor.

Natalie Clay is a wife, mother of five, and a certified Life Coach, specializing in coaching couples. Her unique approach assumes inherent goodness in everyone she works with. This means there is no assigning blame, just a logical approach to help better love yourself and your spouse, with failsafe tools to get you there.

You are going to love her!

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 57 - Redefining Our Life as a Parent of Adult Children with Tina Gosney

I am so excited to share this conversation with you.  I will be talking with my friend and coach colleague, Tina Gosney. She is a relationship coach who works with people in mixed-faith families. She helps them find love and peace in their relationships in the midst of changing beliefs. Even though you believe differently, it is possible to feel united as a family again. 

This was such a powerful conversation.  Tina and I not only talk about some of the challenges that can face in the relationships with our adult children but we share some ideas you can use to strengthen those relationships. 

I hope you leave this conversation feeling empowered and as hopeful as I did.

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 56 - Sandal Blue with Seantae Jackson

I am so excited for this week’s podcast!

I am sharing my conversation with my dear friend, Seantae Jackson.

Seantae Jackson is an elementary school art teacher, inspirational speaker, fatal car accident survivor, safe driving advocate, nonprofit co-founder, everyday girl, wife, and mother to five children - including two sets of twins.

Seantae and her husband and oldest twins were in a severe motor vehicle accident just a year and a half ago. Due to the serious injuries sustained by them all, never-ending recoveries, and loss of work - their family has endured extreme hardships and yet grown closer through it all. She speaks of using the power of hope and creating a bright future amid darkness!

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 55 - Unblended with Mindy Neal

On this week's podcast, I share my conversation with fellow coach college, friend, and mentor. We talk about her new book, Unblended.

Mindy Neal is a Master Certified Life Coach with an Advanced Certification in Relationship Coaching. She loves helping women create 5-star relationships and love their life no matter their circumstances.

I can’t wait for you to learn from her!

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 54 - The Talk I Wish I’d Given

Recently, I gave a talk in a Latter-day Saint Relief Society meeting.

The only way I can describe it is that it went over like a lead balloon. The first part went well but then it took a nosedive. The message I prepared was not what those women needed. As I finished, I sat down and my heart sank.

Now, I know that I can’t change what happened. I also know that a poor talk doesn’t say anything about the kind of person I am. It doesn’t determine my value or my worth. I know that the worst thing that happens from this is that I feel bad, discouraged and disappointed. I will get over it.

But I wanted a redo and that is what brings me here today.

That is the cool thing about having your own podcast.

So, I got up in the early, early morning and grabbed my computer and began to write this podcast– the talk I wished I had given. I don’t know that any of those women will even hear this. It is pretty unlikely that any of them follow me. But maybe.

But there are words in my heart that I want to share so I am going to share them with you on this week's podcast.

Mentioned in the podcast:

Oh, The Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss

Dedicated to the Mendon 1st Ward Relief Society

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 53 - The Power of Wanting

In this week's episode, I am talking about the power of wanting.

I share what I call the four dream squashers and how allowing yourself to dream and want gives you the power to create a life you love.

Give it a listen and let me know what you think!

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 52 - Empowering Men with Bob Smith

I am so excited for this week's episode because I am sharing my conversation with my friend and fellow life coach - Bob Smith!

If you have a man in your life who is struggling with anxiety, stress, and believing they aren’t enough, this is the episode for them.

Is there someone that you love that you can share this with?

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 50 - Pain vs Suffering

In this week's episode, I talk about the difference between pain and suffering.

Pain comes with this human experience and suffering is optional.

Experiencing opposition and pain doesn't mean you are doing life wrong.

I share how this is true and 2 skills that will help you move away from emotional suffering.

Give it a listen to learn more!

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 49 - Happy Valentine’s Day 2023

In honor of Valentine's Day, I am sharing a conversation that I recently had with my husband, Phil, this last weekend.

This spring, we will be celebrating 32 years of marriage.

In this episode, what it has been like to navigate life together.

We also share some of the ways we have found success in our marriage.

Hopefully, there is something you can take away from this conversation.

If not, hopefully, it is at least a little bit entertaining.

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 47 - There is No Wagon

Have you ever heard the say, “Falling off the wagon?”

I am guessing you have but guess what?

There is no wagon!!!

Read to learn more!

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 45 - Spiritual Mastery with Hyo North

In this week's episode, I am sharing my conversation with fellow life coach, Hyo North.

She is a Life and Spiritual Mastery Coach for LDS women going through separation and divorce. She helps women navigate their divorce by helping them to have a revelatory relationship with God and Christ so they know what decisions to make regarding custody, alimony, and mediation with their ex-spouse.

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 43 - Latter-Day Life Coaches with Heather Rackham

By the time this episode is published, we will have celebrated Christmas, said good-bye to 2022, and rang in the new year.

So Happy New Year!!

This is my first episode of 2023!!

I thought it would be fun to share the conversation I recently had with my friend and fellow life coach, Heather Rackham.

Heather Rackham is the host of the Latter-day Life Coaches podcast and director of Latter-day Saint Life Coach Directory,

Heather and her husband Lance live in Kuna, Idaho where they are watching their 4 children grow up and starting to leave the nest.

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 42 - Goals with IMPACT

In this week's episode, I share with you 4 concepts that are important to understand as you work on setting goals.  I also share the IMPACT Goal Framework that was developed by Tanya Dalton and how I am applying in my own life.

Listen to learn more!

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Jill Pack Jill Pack

Episode 41 - Somatic Work with Denita Bremer

In this week's episode, I share my conversation with Denita Bremer, a life and trauma coach for Latter-day Saint women. We discuss the importance of paying attention to our emotions and the physical sensations that come with them. Learning how to process your emotions on a deeper level can help you to regulate your nervous system which can empower you to live with intention and purpose.

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