Thoughtful Thursday & L.O.V.E.
This week, on the Seasons of Joy Podcast, I had the opportunity to share a conversation I had with my friend and fellow life coach, LeAnn Austin.
It was such a fun discussion!
One of the things I loved was talking about her L.O.V.E. acronym.
A few years ago, I remember her teaching this concept at a retreat we were both at and it has stuck with me ever since.
The idea behind it was to help people strengthen the relationship they have with themselves.
L stands for LIGHT.
When you flip on a light switch, can you think of something that you love or appreciate about you?
O stands for OPEN.
Are you willing to be open to trying to new things and opportunities to discover things you love to do?
Are you willing to be open to shifting your perspective about something?
Are you willing to be open to being wrong about something?
V stands for VALUE.
Do you know your value?
Do you know that your value and worth aren't earned or lost?
Or that they can't increase or decrease?
They just are.
You were born with them.
Do you know that your Heavenly Parents' love for you is constant because you are their child?
E stands for EMPOWER.
When you see LIGHT and focus on those things that you love and appreciate about you…
When you OPEN up to trying new things, experiences, and beliefs…
When you know your VALUE and worth…
You EMPOWER yourself to show up in your life and in your relationships more as the person you want to be.
I want to invite you to give this little exercise a try and see what happens.
Click HERE to listen to the full conversation.