Thoughtful Thursday & Creating Space

I am a certified faith-based life coach. I specialized in helping mid-life women and young adults of faith to create greater connection with themselves, others, and God. Helping them to become the creator of a life they love.

I just finished Brené Brown's new book, Atlas of the Heart.

So good.

I wanted to share one of the powerful nuggets I took from it.

She says, "when we name an emotion or experience, it doesn't give that emotion or experience more power, it gives US more power."

I love this.

Are you feeling overpowered by your emotions?

Do they feel like they are just happening to you?

I invite you to choose one to process.

Take a deep breath in and out.

Accept that you are feeling this emotion and just be present with it.

Acknowledge what you are feeling by naming it.

I invite you to find it in your body. Where is it?

What does it feel like?

It is a tightness in your neck or chest?

Is it a heaviness in your stomach?  

Is it moving fast or slow?

Is it cold or hot?

Sharp or soft?

If you could give it a color what would it be?

Just relax into it and observe yourself experiencing this emotion. 

Don't resist, react or avoid this emotion.

Be open and move toward it. 

This is what _________________ feels like for you today.

Breathe in and out.

Remind yourself that you are experiencing this emotion because of "sentences" in your brain.

That's all.

Nothing has gone wrong.

It can't hurt you.

It is just a vibration in your body.

Allow it until it subsides.

You've got this.

By processing your emotions instead of fighting against them, you can actually create more space for positive emotions in your life.

Give it a try!

Jill Pack

My name is Jill Pack. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have been married to my best friend and husband, Phil, for over 30 years. We are navigating our "empty-nester" season of life. We are parents to 5 amazing children and grandparents to 3 adorable grandchildren. I love adventuring in the outdoors connecting with nature, myself, others, and God. I am a certified life coach and I am the owner of Seasons Coaching. I have advanced certifications in faith-based and relationship mastery coaching. I help women of faith create joyful connection with themselves, God, and others no matter their season or circumstance. I also have a podcast called Seasons of Joy.

Thoughtful Thursday & Boredom


Thoughtful Thursday & Doing It Anyway