Episode 94 - L.O.V.E. with LeAnn Austin


Episode 94 - L.O.V.E. with LeAnn Austin

On this week's podcast, I am sharing my conversation with my friend and coach colleague, LeAnn Austin, a Master Certified Life Coach & Teacher. Her mission is to help people create more connection and fun in their relationships, especially with their daughter-in-law.

You are going to L.O.V.E. this conversation!

You can find more about LeAnn here:

Book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CNZPYF82/ref=sw_img_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
Website: https://leannaustin.com/
Podcast: https://leannaustin.com/podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/LeAnnAustinCoaching/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeAnnAustinCoaching
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@leannaustincoaching4716/videos
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@leannaustincoaching

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This is Jill Pack with the Seasons of Joy podcast.

This is episode number 94 entitled Love with Leanne Austin.

Are you a woman of faith who is struggling to navigate your current season of life?

Do you feel like life is just happening to you instead of for you?

My name is Jill Pack.

I'm a certified life coach and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

And I want you to know that no matter your season or circumstance,

it is possible to create a more joyful life.

And I would love to show you,

how are you ready?

Let's go.


my friends.

Welcome to the podcast.

I'm so glad you're here and I hope you're doing well.

I am excited for this week's episode um,

before I get started.


I wanted to touch base a little bit about last week's podcast.

We talked about how fear is the problem and it's a really good podcast and I invite you to go listen if you haven't.

But I think that this week's episode can tie into that a little bit sometimes when we are living from a false belief that causes us to feel fear.

We show up differently in our relationships,

probably not as our best selves.

And that can affect our relationships with other people,

especially a daughter in law or some other relationship in our life.

We can show up from that fear place and it affects how we interact and the relationship that we have with that other person.

So I'm really excited to share with you today.

My friend Leanne Austin,

she is a fellow life coach and she specifically works with people that are struggling in relationships and that can even be with an in law,

a daughter in law or a son in law.

And she has a fun way to approach,

trying to create more fun and more love in our relationships.

And we have a great conversation in regards to those relationships,

but also the relationship we have with self.

So I'm excited to share her with you and um her fun personality and her insights as it pertains to creating stronger relationships in our life.

So here is this week's episode with Leanne Austin.

All right.

Um I am with my friend Leanne Austin.

She is a life coach.

I think we met,

we met first at a retreat for the L DS life coaches.

I think it's been a couple of years ago maybe.


And so I got to know Leanne there and she is just such a fun person.

And so I'm excited to share her with you.

So Leanne,

will you just begin by telling people who you are,

where you're from,

how you got into coaching all the fun things.

Uh I love it first off Jill,

thank you so,

so much for having me here.

It is such an honor and I just love all the work that you do.

I was listening to your podcast a couple of days ago and the words,

the Jesus meditation stuff that you gave out right before Christmas.

I love it.


thank you for all the goodness that you're putting out into the world.

That's awesome.


um I'm from Georgia and I live here with my husband and my dog Nutmeg.

And we,

we have four boys,

um four adult sons and two daughters in law and we have a grand baby coming any day now.

So we're super excited.


The best people would tell me like when you're grandma,


it's so great.

And I'll be like,




I get it.

But then it happens,

you're like,

oh my,

they were right.


I'm looking forward.


I'm still looking forward to that because I have heard a lot of people say that.

So it'll be,

it'll be a lot of fun.


And I heard about coaching in 2018,

someone told me about Jodi Moore's podcast.

So I started listening to that and then went to her,

you know,

better than happy stuff.

And then I went to the life coach school and did all the things there.

And I coached part time for the life coach school and I have my own business.

I started out helping peop people really hone in on loving their themselves.

So I had a Love Me program because I noticed what I've learned most over these past 67 years is really,

it comes back to us.

And it's so fascinating that that's what the gospel teaches us.

Like love God,

love others,

love me.

You know,

when we remember that me part is just gold.

And so as I was incorporating that,

I thought,


I really want to help people love themselves.

And as I'm sure you've discovered as you're,

you know,

starting a business and figuring it out,

like sometimes that's pretty general,


I wanna help everyone love themselves.

And so for me,

I realized maybe if I hone in,

I have these two cute daughters in law that I had a few issues at the beginning and that life coaching has totally changed.

And also me as a daughter in law,

I had some issues with my mother in law.

And so I'm like,


this would be perfect to really hone in on that area.

So basically,

I just help people create more connection and fun in their relationships,

especially with their daughter in laws,

but also really with anyone.

So that's kind of what I do.


I love it now that I'm thinking about it the,

when I met you first,

it was at that retreat and you taught the acronym.


So refresh my memory on that acronym.

I love that.

You said that because I brought that today because I'm like,

I want to tell Jill and her audience about the love acronym if they want to hear about it.


So love,

it's just easier for me to remember acronyms because it just makes it simple.

So my love acronym is L is for light.

So every time that you turn a light on,

I love to tell my clients or anyone tell yourself one thing you love about you.

So I wake up in the morning,

flip the light switch.

Hey Leanne,

I love your beautiful smile or flip the light switch.

Uh Not so sure about how about that text you sent your son,

but that's OK.

I love you anyway.

So whatever it is,

it's just practicing through light,

the love that we have for ourselves and that's a great way to start and then whatever way works best for you.

But it's the light thing,

it's seeing the sunshine,

it's whatever it's incorporating that light.

And then um o is for open just being open to trying new things to discovering what you love.

Like years back,

I started tap dancing again.

I love tap dancing.

I did love it fun.

I did it when I was a kid and I'm like,

oh I,

you know,

I found an adult class and it was so I was like,

I'm just gonna be open to it.

So I think we feel more love and we're open to all the different things out there.

So that's my os for open and then V is for value.

Remembering that you are 100% valuable.

No matter what.

There is,

nothing that changes your value.

You are 100% valuable and lovable.

There's no hierarchy of humans,

no one's better than the other.

So just really remembering your value and then e is for empower.

And I learned this equation from Jody Moore back in the day was awareness plus acceptance equals empower.

And so when we're aware of what's happening in our lives and we accept ourselves,


Where we are,

that's where we feel that empowerment,

that's where we have like the power to move on.

So that's my love.

And don't you think,

I think the the lov leaning into those more actually equals E Yes,


Like remembering those three things actually more empowering beliefs about yourself and about your life and everything.

So I,

I couldn't remember the acronym every single one,

but I just remember listening to teach that and thought,

I love this.

This is such a good thing.

So I'm so glad that you brought that today.

I love that.

Don't you don't you find like um just to kind of touch back to what you said earlier is when we can love ourselves.

We are so much better able to love others and to love God.

I think even that relationship when we feel like we don't matter or that,

that there's something wrong with us.

Like it's really hard to build relationship with,

with God.




and with those people in our life.

So I love that,

that focus on self love because I would say,

and you would probably agree with me,

tell me if you do.

But uh and,

and you kind of answered this in the beginning,

but that's where it all comes back to the women that I work with so many of them that understanding of love of self really blocks them from creating action in their life.

Like that is a hard thing for them to do.


and I think as,

as women in the church,

um it can be difficult because it feels like we're being selfish if we are mindful of ourselves,

if we do things that we wanna do,

or we take care of our,

our needs and our wants,


If we focus on ourselves,

that feels selfish.

Um because in some ways we're taught that in a roundabout way,



and we internalize that to mean that focus on self is selfish.

So I have to not focus on myself at all um in order to be selfless.



And I'm so glad that that's,

that is changing,

that we're seeing the importance of loving ourselves.

And that,

that is so much more a part of a part of life,

a part of the gospel even than it used to be because I mean,

even like,

you know,

the good old oxygen mas o oxygen mask on the airplane,

you know,

when we,


we got to put it on ourselves first or we can't help other people.

So when we're doing everything for everyone else and we are so depleted,

we're not able to show up in that energy and love that we want to or really that God would want us to,

you know.



because we,


we can't,

we can't reach out to other people when we don't have anything to offer,


And so I think that one thing that's helped me kind of embrace this self love in a way because I think we also hear those messages of like,

you know,

self care and we can kind of have this vision of what that looks like,

like bond,

bonds and bathtubs and whatever,


But it's like,


I'm going to treat myself as I would anyone else.

I'm going to treat myself the same as everyone else.

Not less than,

and that has a different connotation to me.

And also like,

I've really stepped in and I also got this from Jody Moore.

A lot of people I interviewed talk about her because we just think she's amazing.

But this idea of like,

I am actually pretty amazing.



because I had nothing to do with it.



that's the caveat.

It's like,


I'm learning and growing but my amazingness doesn't come from the things I am accomplishing.

It comes from this inherent identity of that.

I'm a daughter of God that I have.

He many parents who love me.


I'm amazing.

You're amazing.

Just because they're amazing doesn't make me less amazing.

It means we're all amazing.




I love that so much.

I teach Sunday school at church and,


we were talking about,

you know,

just kicking off the year and the book of Mormon and everything and the basic of just remembering that we are Children of God.

That's it.

Like that basic belief.

We really get that.

It changes everything because the love that we feel knowing that then we're not going to talk to ourselves snarky and mean.

And you know,


what's wrong with us?

We didn't do this.

You know,

it just kind of changes the,

all of it and you think about it.

Like I've been,

I'm not in primary now,

but I was served in primary for years.

And you think about like the very first song we teach in primary usually as I am a child of God.

I don't think that's just because it's this really cute song we sing.

I think it's because the doctrine that is in there is life changing because if someone really knows.


I'm a child of God.

Uh huh.

That changes everything.

It changes how we treat ourselves,

it changes how we treat other people.

It changes how we approach God.

Like I just think that is such a foundational doctrine that like it just isn't by accident.



that's where we start.




And I was in church on Sunday.

This just reminded me and I have this cute little family with little sitting right in front of me.

And this two year old boy during the Sacrament,

his dad's holding him trying to keep him quiet and he starts singing.

I am a child of God and oh my goodness,

it just made my heart smile.

I just looked at him and beamed.

I'm like,


you away.

It was the cutest little thing because it was just,

and he stopped soon after.

But I'm like,

I love that.

He knows that at age two and then it just comes out like it's something he wants to,

to share.

Like that's the sad thing is,

is that the older we get that we pull that back in that excitement that the excitement that comes from knowing that kind of,

you know,


I guess if you will.

But so I love,

I love all this conversation about love,

love of stuff so important.

But once we,

once we can kind of love ourselves,


it's an opportunity to kind of look how we interact with other people.

And I just love that you're focusing in on that relationship with daughter in law because or daughters in law multiple,


I just love that because that it is such an opportunity.

Like I just think that it provides a unique opportunity for us as women,


To navigate a relationship like that.

There is a lot to be learned and a lot of growth that can come from a relationship like that.

If we let it right,

it can be a source of intention if we want to.

But it can also be something just so beautiful.

So explain a little bit.

Um You just wrote a book.

So I'll talk about that for a minute.

It's called Love and my daughter in law,

create more connection and fun in your relationships with others,

especially your daughter in law.

So I love it like,

so what is your goal behind this book?

And then kind of talk about the acronym in this book.

I love,

I know that a little bit.


I love,


love acronyms.

And really my goal is just to give people simple tools to help them create more fun and connection because I think sometimes we think that relationship is so heavy and oh,

she's not doing what I want her to do and she's taking my son away and all the things rather than noticing.


I can have some fun and create connection.

I don't have to tiptoe around her all the time.

I can be myself.

So that's what I was trying to,

you know,

kind of share.

And my,



daughter in law Akron is in there.


so get the book and read all about Dil,

you know,

because it takes,



It takes,

it takes the reader just through three simple ways that you can better love and connect with your daughter in law,

really with anyone.

But I just use that acronym because it's easy to remember.

D I if you're talking about your daughter in law.

So yeah,

and the thing I will say,

I'll put the link in the show notes.

But it's just like I read this one night in bed,

like I just,

it's so quick,

it's so easy and very easy to understand.

Like it just was really fun and just kind of ties a lot of what we do together in simple form.


um so yeah,

so I'll put the link in this um in the show notes for this book.


um what did you take away from this experience of writing this book?


it was been,

it's been on my mind for the past couple of years because I never even thought about writing a book.

You know,

it's kind of like a podcast.

I never thought about starting a podcast.

Do you know how stuff just comes to you?



I I've been thinking about it for the last couple of years and I'm like,

Leanne just,

just do it,

just put it out there.

And my inspiration,

the spirit,

whatever your audience chooses to call it,

when I um I get my best,

my best inspiration in the middle of the night,

like between three and four in the morning,

that's prime time for me.

So when I have little things come into my mind,

like the acronym for that or questions that I ask or things like that.

I'm like that to me is like,


do it,

you know,

follow through on that,

do it.

And so it was like,

I kind of had it in the works and,

and I'm like,


just finish it up and um and I really wanted to get it done before this cute grand baby came and I thought,

I mean,

you know,

things will be a little busier per se probably.

And so I was like,

let's just,

let's just do it,

you know.

So it was just,

it was just doing it.

So I love it.

So you're an author now?

Like that's cool.


that's pretty amazing.

Think about that for a minute.




and the good news is everyone can do this.

Like self publishing is a glorious thing.

So if any of y'all want to write a book,

do it because you can do it.


it's on my mind,

it's out there like it's,

it's floating around and um yeah,

but so just one more encouragement that it's possible.

So I love it.

I love it.


So let's dive in a little bit.

Like when you work with your clients you offer someone on,

do you have a membership or something?


I have a membership.

So we just do three times a month.

We meet together as a group.

You know,

you can come and go or listen to the recordings and then I also do one on one as well.

But yeah,

it's kind of a both.


And I think they're both,

they're both so cool and they offer,

they both have their unique,

beautiful thing about them.



as you're working with your clients,

what would you say is the biggest,

like one or two struggles that they have that you notice maybe kind of reoccurring for the people that you work with coming up a lot.

I think a lot of things that I see in a lot of conversations we have is wanting daughter in law to be different than she is.

We want her to be different.

She's not doing it the way we think she should be doing it per se.

And that is probably one of the biggest things I see is just being open as mother in laws or whoever that there are lots of ways to do things and it's totally,


totally fine.


And I think that's such a perfect relationship to learn that concept.


Because once we understand it there,

then it turns to like,


there's way,

a lot of different ways to be mother and like my mother in law,



or there's lots of ways to be husband or there's lots of ways to be adult child.

There's lots of ways to be neighbor,



Like that relationship,

whatever it is that you're struggling.


This can show you that there's lots of ways to be that person.

And so it just opens us up to embracing the differences in all the relationships in our life.

But I love specifically this because I think that this can be the most challenging one for women,

I think.

Um because Right,

we've invested so much time and energy into the raising of our own Children.

We've been with them every step of the way they know.

We know how they think like just those nuances that come and then all of a sudden something happens.


we get married and you're like,



I did not raise that person.

That's right.

Know what there is that like,

it's kind of a relationship that we don't necessarily choose in the beginning,


But I having said that I'll add that like we get to choose whatever relationship we want there.

It's possible to have an amazing relationship if we choose that.



But I love this.

So um that this is why you chose this.

Uh huh.



and for me too.

It was like this whole girl thing.

I mean,

I have four boys.

I grew up with three brothers.


I don't have a lot of girls in my life.

So when girls started,

they started dating them and I'm like,

what is going on,

you know,

a minute.

That's right for me.

That was a whole new world and it's just been so fun to,

thankfully get my mind in a place where no matter what,

I just get to love them,

I just get to show up with love and,

you know,

whatever the situation is,

I'm sure there are things that I don't agree with and I'm sure there are things that they don't agree with.

But we know we have a relationship where we can connect,

we can talk about it,

we can share what's going on.

And so I think building that foundation,

building that base is so helpful as whatever is coming up is happening and we can work things out and,

you know,

that's part of it.

That's part of this is human experience is navigating that.

And what can we learn from these beautiful sometimes challenging relationships that we have?



and I just remember when I was moving into this phase of a daughter's law,

son in law like the in-law thing.

Uh huh I was really resistant to that and I speak to that on my podcast often and I,

you know,

I think for so many of us,

we believe that it's the in law that's causing us a problem.



if they could just change,

then our family would be better.


can't they see this?


are they totally blind?


And like,

so we just feel like this,

this thing is happening to us and we just have no control and it's,

we just need them to be different so the equilibrium can be brought back to our family,


But it's just we're so resistant to that and,

and just that I,

we believe that they need to change in order for,

for us to be happy,

which is not true and that's what you help people see.



Not the case.


And when we can open up to that and just notice that even with,

you know,



one of my very favorite thoughts is you either love someone or you don't understand them.

And so when you're feeling that lack of love for anyone,

any relationship that you're working on,

it's like,

what don't I understand here?


you know,

what is it that I'm just not seeing that I'm not understanding.

And when you're coming from that place with curiosity,

with love,

with compassion,

it just really makes it.

So it,


it just changes the whole dynamic and then you're able to bring things in.

Like I'm so grateful for these two cute girlies that have,

you know,

helped bring different things into our family that we wouldn't have seen or done or anything how it just sound like,


it's got to be this way or whatever.

You know what I mean?

Versus wait,

there's a whole,

there's so many beautiful ways we can do things and a lot of times they bring stuff that are way better.




And I think that that is the difference between scarcity and abundance.


Scarcity tells us.


it was good when it was this.

We just got to keep it this way for it to be better when abundance is like,

what if there's something that we aren't,

don't know or what if they can bring this or I love how you said that like they actually can bring so much beauty into our family that we didn't think possible and it provides growth.

Like I can honestly say that as hard as the transition was for me to get in laws,


I am a better person because of that,


I'm a better person because I learned how to navigate who I wanted to be and had they not come into my life,

I probably would have just kept going along as I was going.

And so I am so grateful for the opportunity to really decide on purpose,

the person I want to be like,

not even just in that relationship,


Like in any relationship that just was the catalyst for the change that I wanted to make in myself.


So it's a gift,



those challenging relationships are a gift.



they really are.

And when we get to the point where we can look at them like that and really see them as a gift of what,

what can I learn here?

What have I learned here?

How you know,

all of that?

It definitely changes.


I love how you said curiosity because I would say that was the biggest thing for me was just a lot being open,

like you said,

being open to the idea of what else could be true here.

That whole tying back to like understanding,


Curiosity was the tool that helped things change for me because it,

it got me outside of what I believe to be true and,

and maybe on some level was true,

but that's not where I wanted to keep my focus,


And so it opened,

the curiosity is what helps us discover what else is true.

That feels way better,


way better.


Love that.

So is there something else that you see?

So needing people to change obstacle we face as a mother in law?

What else is there?

Isn't there another one that you that you've kind of noticed?


I'm trying to think,

needing them to change,

just being really resistant to how they're doing it like,

you know,

and I guess that relates to the change a little bit.

But um just thinking that they're doing things wrong all the time,

in a wrong way.



I think that is the wrong way.

It does go together but it is kind of its own thing too because it's like needing them to be different is one thing,

but needing them to do things our way is,

is another side of that.


And that they need to,

you know,

when I raised my kids or when I was first married,

this is totally worked out.

So it must be the right way.





I love that.


Needing them to do it.

So how do you,


how do you help them shift their perspective on those two things,

needing people to change and needing them to do it their way?

You really?



It just goes back to bringing that awareness to what is going on for them.


what am I thinking?

Why do I think she needs to do it differently?


you know,

what is it,


what's going on there?


just that awareness and also too,

because then there comes in a lot of self judgment like,


I'm doing it wrong.

I can't figure it out.

I'm a terrible mother in law,

whatever person.

And so it's that to just that awareness piece and the acceptance piece like,


it makes sense that you definitely think,


my way is the better way or whatever that makes sense.

This is what you've done for a long time.

This is what's worked for you.


acknowledging that,

being aware of that and accepting that like,

nothing's gone wrong here and how do I want to move forward?

Do I want to continue this?

Is this strengthening our relationship or kind of making it a little messy?

You know what I mean?


so just like just really it is that awareness and the acceptance piece is key to just whatever situation is happening.

Like if you can just take a step back and see what's going on,

it just shines a whole new light on things.


I love that.

I think that really is like just slowing things down,

you know,

to really again go back to that curiosity,

but I loved how you use the word and is something that I work with my clients on is like both things are true.



I didn't show up the way I wanted to and this is how I want to.



Like accepting this while at the same time embracing and being open to what else is possible?

Is it possible to show up differently if,

if I show up differently?


is there,

is it possible this would make a change 100%?


let's try it.


So I just love the idea of and,

and I think so many people live in.

But yes,

you're exactly right.

You're exactly right.

And that,

that changes everything it changes from,

but to end because,


it's just so free.



both are true.

I don't have to argue my point or resist this because it,

it doesn't have to be this or that.

It can be both.

I'm messy and amazing as a mass.



I just was coaching a client today about just mothering.

She's a teenage child.


And it's just this idea of,


sometimes I show up wrong,

sometimes I don't show up as my best and I'm working on it.



So let's let's embrace that.

And so I love that.

I love it.


Is there anything else that you would love to share with the audience before we wrap this up?

Is there?


Is there something you want to share?



I just hope everyone remembers the importance of loving ourselves.

Like really remember that love acronym to like think about whenever you see the light or whatever that looks associating that light and love for you,

the openness.

So just being open to whatever is going on in your world.

How can I just be open to it?

How can I experience new things and be open to those?

What else?

Is there the v remembering that 100% value that we have no matter what you know,

that we all have in all relationships and then the e for empower like how can I empower myself through?

Like you said,

the three other things,

the light that open the value as I'm moving forward in whatever direction I go,

you know,



Those are the main things.

And then again,

my quote,

one more time,

you either love someone or you don't understand them and that goes for yourself that really goes back to you.


if you're being snarky to yourself and talking mean about yourself,

what is it that you're not understanding about you?

Because you probably wouldn't say that to other people?

So watch.

Why am I saying that to myself?


how could I show up with more love and compassion for me?

That's probably the thing I love that.

I'm going to think about that more today.

Um I just love that.


I think that's such a,

a really easy way to remember really some powerful things that can shift thing,

shift your perspective,


Because if you're focusing on what's amazing about you and you're opening up to new opportunities and you're recognizing your value that can't help but empower you,

you know,

every day,

even if you just thought I love me,

I love and accept myself whatever like that encompasses so much.

And I just think,

you know,

to go back to what we said before,

it really does beg begin with that relationship with self.



If we can hone in that and just um something I was listening to the other day is just like this idea of rec recognizing the awe and wonder that's us.

Uh And then seeing the awe and wonder in others,

the awe and wonder that we all are because of who we are.

We're Children of God.


And just opening up to that idea of like,


like we are all pretty amazing.

And if we can remember that,

how much better would we show up in our interactions with our daughter-in-law,

with ourselves,

with our son-in-law?

I have a son-in-law and a daughter-in-law,


How much better do I show up when I really remember the awe and wonder in all of us,



and I think for many of us,

it it it really can be an honest challenge to,

to do that for ourselves.

And so that's why I love your acronym so much is because it starts small,

it starts with a light switch,


And that's your trigger to like,


what do I like about me?

What could I be like?


it invites curiosity and how we can love ourselves better.

So I just love that.

I love it.

Thank you so much for being here,


This is all my pleasure.

Thank you.

I think this is like,

I don't know,

we'll just have to have another conversation at another time because this is any time.

I know.

So awesome.

So where can people find you?


you can follow me um on the socials at Leanne Austin coaching.

Um I my website is Lean austin.com.

And I do have a podcast too.

It's called Love of My Daughter in Law.

If you want to listen to that.

And no,

I don't talk only about daughter in law.

I talk about all the,

all the love stuff.

So it's really so wonderful.

And yeah,

and yeah,

I'll put all the links to all of that to podcast website,

Instagram social and how they can get your book.

So that will all be in there.

And um it's just been a pleasure.

So thank you so much for being here.

You're the same,

so much love for you.

Thank you,


Thank you so much for listening.

If you like what you hear,

I would love it if you would share it with your friends and family and leave me a rating and review.

If you'd like to learn more about what life coaching is,

please schedule a free discovery call with me where we can work together through something that's causing you a problem.

Just go to my website Seasons coaching.com and you can also find information about my Seasons of Joy,

one on one coaching program and my Seasons of Joy community have a joyful week and I'll see you next time.

Jill Pack

My name is Jill Pack. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have been married to my best friend and husband, Phil, for over 30 years. We are navigating our "empty-nester" season of life. We are parents to 5 amazing children and grandparents to 3 adorable grandchildren. I love adventuring in the outdoors connecting with nature, myself, others, and God. I am a certified life coach and I am the owner of Seasons Coaching. I have advanced certifications in faith-based and relationship mastery coaching. I help women of faith create joyful connection with themselves, God, and others no matter their season or circumstance. I also have a podcast called Seasons of Joy.


Episode 95 - A Look at Repentance


Episode 93 - Fear is the Problem