Episode 72 - It’s Possible…


Episode 72 - It’s Possible

Hello friends!

Welcome to today's episode of the Seasons of Joy podcast.  

Before we get started I wanted to remind you again about my upcoming retreat.  An Awakening Retreat will be held in Garden City, Utah near the beautiful Bear Lake. It will be October 5-7th.  It is an opportunity to refocus on what is important to you. An opportunity to reconnect with yourself, others and God. And an opportunity to rejuvenate so that you can step into your life with confidence. Please be sure to click on the link in the show notes to get on the interest list so you can get more information as it becomes available.

I am excited to explore with you a concept that I have loved learning about.  It is the idea of possibility. The idea that something that is possible –something that can be done, achieved or realized. It refers to a situation or circumstance that has the potential or capability to happen, exist, or be true. It may also refer to something that is not certain, but that has a chance of occurring or happening. The concept of possibility is often used to describe a range of options or alternatives that are available to someone or something, or to describe the potential for a particular outcome or result. 

To me, believing something is possible creates feelings of hope, empowerment, and confidence.

Often while working with a client on finding a new belief, I introduce this concept because the current thinking feels so true and the new belief feels so far away. The concept of possibility bridges the gap between what they currently believe and what they desire to believe. 

Sometimes, we need to ease into a new belief. We have to try it on in a way. I help my clients do this by giving them permission to believe it might be possible to think something different than they are currently thinking.

For example, what if it is possible that you are exactly who you are supposed to be right now? Right now, you may believe that you should be different in some way. Believing that if you were different then things would be better. They might be but it is also possible that you are supposed to be who you are right now because there are lessons you are learning that will take you where. you want to go. We know that you are supposed to be who you are right now because that is how you are right now. The concept of possibility helps you let go of the resistance to what is so you can become the creator of your life and step into what's possible.

What if it is possible that God doesn’t make mistakes? Right now, you may be believing that there is something wrong with you. Believing that you or your life is a mistake. But what if it is all part of something bigger than you? That the human experience is supposed to be messy and not a mistake at all? What if the messiness is exactly what is required for each of us to learn, grow, and find joy—To become the best version of ourselves? It’s possible.

What if it is possible that you are responsible for how you think and feel? If this is possible, then you have the power to change how you think and feel regardless of what other people do. If this is possible, then you don’t have to wait around for something or someone to change in order to feel better. This is the best news ever and it’s possible.

What if it is possible that everything happens for you instead of to you?  Again, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I believe that we came to earth for a purpose.  We didn’t leave our Heavenly Parents to go on vacation.  We came to experience earth life and being human because it was the perfect way to learn, to grow, and to become as our Heavenly Parents.  So it is possible that all of our experiences here are opportunities to do just that.  The human experience is a hands-on endeavor with the purpose of becoming who we were designed to be.  It’s possible that ALL of it is FOR us.

What if it is possible that you are lovable?  What if you are 100% lovable?  What if it isn’t about if you are lovable but another person’s ability to love–their love-ability? What if it is possible that you were born with your value, your worth, and you are loved and those can’t be taken away? They just are. It’s possible.

What if it is possible that there is plenty of time?  What if you have all the time you need?  What if you could be a time creator by what you believed?  What if you believed that you could use your time for creation instead of worry, frustration, anxiety, stress, overwhelm, or anger? It’s possible.

Suffering can become very familiar and feels important. We can begin to believe that we need to do it to make things better.  But what if it is possible that suffering isn’t necessary or required to live a life we love?  What if you could get good at feeling uncomfortable without suffering? It’s possible.

What if it is possible that you aren’t your roles, your past, what you do, what you think, or what you feel? What if it is possible that your identity is simply that you are a divine child of Heavenly Parents? 

What if it is possible that you are enough? Again, what if it is possible that we don’t have to do anything to be enough? If you weren’t trying to prove all of this, how would you live?  What would you focus on instead of the approval of others?  What if it is possible that you are enough as you are? It’s possible.

What if it is possible that unconditional love is something that I do for myself?  Love just feels better.  The emotion of love can’t jump out of your body into someone else’s body.  If you choose to feel love, you are the one to feel it.  What if it is possible that unconditional love is a gift you not only give yourself but also give to others by the way you show up in the relationships in my life? It’s possible.

What if it is possible…..

That you are guided.

Everything is as it should be.

It was meant to happen the way it did.

Everything happens right on time

You are not your mind–you are the watcher of your mind.

Love is always an option.

People are allowed to behave the way they want–we are allowed to react the way we want.

There is nothing you can do that wouldn’t be worthy of forgiveness.

There is nothing wrong with you.

Nothing has gone wrong here.

We’re here to get to the work of ourselves.

Your purpose is the life you are living now.

You are deeply loved.

The world longs for what you have to offer.

We can do hard things.

Familiarity is not the same as comfort.

Suffering is sometimes familiar, but not necessary.

Money is easy.

Everything you do is a choice.

Your past is perfect.

There is nothing they can do to make you happy–that is your job.

What you do doesn’t make you happy–what you think does.

You don’t have fun–you are the fun.

What you look for, you will find.

What others think of me is about them, not me (good or bad).

I want to invite you to consider the possibilities.

How would you live your life if you opened yourself up to the possibility of being wrong about what you have believed in the past? 

Is there an area of your life where you could invite in possibility? 

What would be different for you?

What could you create if you believed it was possible?

The possibilities are endless!

That is all I have for you today.  

If you want to dive into the possibilities further, I would love to be your coach.

I invite you to schedule a free Discovery Call with to see if coaching is right for you.

Thanks for being here and have a joyful day!

Mentioned on the podcast:

An Awakening Retreat 2023 Interest List

If you are ready to take these concepts and apply them to your circumstances, I would love to be your coach.  

Click on the following links to learn more about Seasons Coaching and my Seasons of Joy Community Facebook Group.

Are you ready to take what I teach to a deeper level?  I would love to be your coach!  Click HERE to learn more about my Season of Creation 12-Week Coaching package.

To contact me about speaking to your group or business, email me at jill@seasons-coaching.com.

Jill Pack

My name is Jill Pack. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have been married to my best friend and husband, Phil, for over 30 years. We are navigating our "empty-nester" season of life. We are parents to 5 amazing children and grandparents to 3 adorable grandchildren. I love adventuring in the outdoors connecting with nature, myself, others, and God. I am a certified life coach and I am the owner of Seasons Coaching. I have advanced certifications in faith-based and relationship mastery coaching. I help women of faith create joyful connection with themselves, God, and others no matter their season or circumstance. I also have a podcast called Seasons of Joy.


Episode 73 - Boundaries


Episode 71 - Our Two Brains