Episode 87 - How 2 Love Your Marriage


Episode 87 - How 2 Love Your Marriage

Hello, friends!

Welcome to the Seasons of Joy Podcast.

Thank you for being here.  It is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.  I hope you had a great holiday and you were able to spend time with the people you love.  I hope that if you were able to participate in the 5 Day Relationship Reboot Challenge you were able to use some of the tips and tools I shared with you to help you navigate a challenging relationship over the holiday. If you haven’t had a chance to do the challenge, it isn’t too late. Just click the link in the show notes and it will take you to the challenge.  Again, this challenge can be done at any time.  This is the perfect time to reboot a relationship you are struggling with.

I would also like to remind you of my upcoming group coaching program called Season of Connection.  If you are a midlife woman of faith who is ready to create greater connection in your life, this is for you.  If you are ready to create desired change so you can love your life, this is for you.  The Season of Connection Group Coaching Program is going to begin in January 2024 and run for 6 weeks. You will get a workbook along with 6 weekly one hour group coaching calls where I will teach and do live coaching.  If you have wanted to take the concepts I teach here on the podcast but you aren’t ready for the cost of one-on-one coaching, this is for you.  I am only charging $30 for 6-weeks of group coaching. As part of the group, you will receive a small workbook to help you really apply the concepts I will be teaching you so that you can begin creating greater connections in your relationships. 

This is an opportunity to gather with other women to learn how to strengthen the relationships in your life. As midlife women, it can be challenging to navigate the changes that occur in this season of life. We can begin to feel disconnected in our relationships with ourselves, others, or God. This group setting provides a beautiful space of learning and support.  Group coaching can be so powerful.  As you hear other people’s stories and you see other people get coached, it helps you gain greater awareness of your own stories. From that place you can begin creating the kind of relationships you want to have. What better way to start the year off right. 

Get on the waiting list by clicking the link in the show notes.  

I am so excited for today’s episode.  I am going to be sharing with you an interview I recently had with some of my favorite people.  One of the things I have loved about becoming a life coach is that I have had the opportunity to meet and learn from some pretty amazing people.  Today, you will hear the conversation I had with my 3 friends and coach colleagues, Aimee Gianni, Nichole Rasmussan and Tina Gosney.

Aimée Gianni, MS, is a Marriage & Family Therapist and a Master Coach Instructor specializing in Love Relationships.  She has been a guest on the podcast before and I have had the privilege of working with and learning from Aimee for the last couple of years.

Nicole Rasmussen says she is in the people business.  She loves relationships (almost as much as caramel popcorn)  and she especially loves working with parents who want to like their teenagers again, and spouses who feel disconnected in their marriage.

Tina Gosney is also a repeat guest on the podcast. She is a Certified Relationship Coach and Positivity Practitioner. She is passionate about helping her clients learn to love themselves, their lives, and their family relationships. 

The three of these amazing women have come together to offer something pretty cool and I am going to let them tell you about it.  So here is my conversation with Aimee, Nichole, and Tina.

Join the Season of Connection 6-Week Group Coaching Program in 2024 HERE

Grab the 5 Day Relationship Reboot Challenge Workbook HERE

If you are ready to take these concepts and apply them to your circumstances, I would love to be your coach.  

For another great FREE resource, grab my Mending the Rift: Repairing Relationships with Adult Children

Click on the following links to learn more about Seasons Coaching and my Seasons of Joy Community Facebook Group.

Are you ready to take what I teach to a deeper level?  I would love to be your coach!  

Click HERE to learn more about my Season of Creation 12-Week Coaching package.

To contact me about speaking to your group or business, email me at jill@seasons-coaching.com.

Jill Pack

My name is Jill Pack. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have been married to my best friend and husband, Phil, for over 30 years. We are navigating our "empty-nester" season of life. We are parents to 5 amazing children and grandparents to 3 adorable grandchildren. I love adventuring in the outdoors connecting with nature, myself, others, and God. I am a certified life coach and I am the owner of Seasons Coaching. I have advanced certifications in faith-based and relationship mastery coaching. I help women of faith create joyful connection with themselves, God, and others no matter their season or circumstance. I also have a podcast called Seasons of Joy.


Episode 88 - The People Pleaser’s Guide


Episode 86 - The Power of Gratitude